Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Even while i'm in Ludite mode, I LOVE airports. And just to continue mentioning art professor Peter Everett's name every post i write - he makes large paintings of airports. Did you know that?
A clue about my destination: While standing in line to board my flight I kept fantasizing that Billy Corgan was around and I could kiss his elbow. The Smashing Pumpkins are from...Chicago. And you neverknow...people do have layovers in SLC. Like the person sitting next to me in the plane. Who brought the same library book as me! What are the chances?


Anonymous said...

The stars smile upon you my dear. Landing next to someone reading the same book as you can only bode well. Its fate. I imagine you will have your dance with fame - after all various persons of well renown have been known to make appearances not far from your sisters' residence - and I think it entirely inevitable that upon encountering your person such stars will be earthbound with the engaging spell of your enchanting nature. Were I a star I would be so grounded by you in Chicago but as I am a poor soul separated from you by many thousand leagues with naught but Masterpiece Theater to soothe my lonely heart I must daydream of a sailboat to carry me through the sky across the Great Plains to meet you in the Great Lakes. Meanwhile I'll be keeping abreast of your Web's Log vigilantly.

all my love
and missing you dearly already,


Anonymous said...

Oh, I just checked this one out from the Provo Library and started reading today. So far a great read and inspiring and, and, and...

Anonymous said...

i love airports too. and barbara. and sitting by strangers and talking to them. and chicago. and YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Mirjam, it's a sign. You must immediately board a plane and go somewhere.