Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Look About Salt Lake and Home Again

In a Salt Lake cafe knitting baby booties while reading blogs.
Surprise run-in to Troy Williams, the famous producer of Radioactive on KUER. We've known each other for ages, ever since our Mormon History Student Association days at BYU.
And then a fabulous visit with these kiddos.This enterprising kiddo asked me to teach her how to cast-on, which she picked up easily. She has big plans to knit lots of things and told me we should have a booth at the Salt Lake Farmers Market together! Heehee =) I believe her!And then her funny little sister borrowed my camera and took this photo of herself and we laughed so hard! It's a very accurate depiction of her personality.
And then I taught an impromptu art class to first graders at Emerson Elementary. Back at home...a pretty bowl of rose hips which O'lover later steeped in hot water.
Painting a dresser in my messy studio
And our cold frames in the back garden. Believe it or not there's food in that dirt.
And these cuties proved it when they dug up some wee carrots.