Well, the living room has been REpurposed. It already contained the piano and two accordions.
but then...
we drug in three mics, the guitorgan (a guitar with organ circuitry), the amps, the drum kit, the chromaharp, the PA system, the bell lyre, marimbas, and bass.
now it's our band practice room.
Here Suz and Ollie are singing Sea of Love by Cat Powers.

those deseret industries drums look like they need a good beating...
but first, introducing the little rockers...

I met Suz on line to vote!
hey azucar,
oh cool! did you know that Suz is another media gringa (of the mormon colonies variety)?
Hey Raquel!! I just read all your posts from January and February. Very fun catching up with you!!! You live such an art life. Thanks for posting pics of Susan and Andrew-- (aren't they cute?) I'm so sad that you guys didn't come down. Please plan another trip here. You are always welcome to stay. I would so love to see you and get to know Olover better!! We could have soooo much fun!!!
I like oliver's haircut.
I'm so jealous of your magical life.
Hi Susan and Andrew!
I want to bang on those drums!
Just buy instruments and put them in the space and a band appears to play them. You know all the secrets.
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