Saturday, March 08, 2008

lonely in advance

So the O'lover just got his dream job! the one with the dental benefits and matching retirement fund. with a well-respected progressive firm that is loyal to their employees and wants O'lover to get his masters degree. and most importantly fits his definition of right livelihood.

It's like we're growing up?

and EVERYONE is so happy for him, nay, giddy as spiked punch. (they took us to tucanos to celebrate!)

i'm happy too. uh. but since i live in the opposites world, i'm also a bit like...reticent to give up hovering near the virtuous poverty level (the real poverty level, not the U.S. defined poverty level which to me is RICH...)

and now we'll be able to save a bit of $, pay off debts, and contribute to causes? still computing...

then there's the issue of his being gone. a lot. (he used to telecommute from home.) i'm rather attached to the O'lover. The word "co-dependent" comes to mind.

on the bright side... since i won't be Velcro-ed to O'lover's neck anymore...

maybe i'll have time to crochet...preferably like this:
aren't these house sweaters cool?


Anonymous said...

I would definitely say "inter-dependent", rather than "co-". I love you like a bike loves wheels!

Anonymous said...

it's so interesting that you speak of your reticence to move beyond the poverty level. i feel exactly the same way - it's hard to relinquish the self-identity of poor when you've embraced it for so long. we're still just barely above the poverty line but i feel quite guilty about it. whenever i get anything extra i feel this compulsion to give it all away. and i'm so glad that my husband never became a chemical engineer as originally planned because then we would be rich and i would never see him. most people don't understand this and they look at me like i'm crazy when i talk about how hard it is to have *enough* now, and how afraid i am of having *more* than enough. :::sigh:::

Anonymous said...

c- yep. i have a reverence for poverty. we should chat about the whole having nothing to lose and the freedom of poverty sometime. Oliver will be commuting to Salt Lake. maybe i can ride the bus up and visit you sometime!

Anonymous said...

yes, absolutely! i would love that!

Anonymous said...

it's refreshing to hear that you love being with your husband. you are lucky. my husband works a lot at home and my favorite thing is to be in with him, chatting him up while he works.

and i view no money as a blessing. even when i have it i like to pretend that i don't. i don't spend a lot of money on 'toys' for my kids and i think other moms think i'm mean, but i'm always trying to tell myself the things that matter don't cost money. (well, except a good pair of shoes....those can be quite costly....)