Monday, August 08, 2011


Oh my niece Scootch! She and her family were here for most of July (not long enough!) visiting on their move from Hawaii to Alabama. She's just as adorable and fun as ever! She sings beautifully and plays the ukulele. Plus thank my lucky stars she wants to be a fashion designer! Most of my sewing stuff is boxed away but we had enough fabric out for her to make one of her designs a reality!
Here she is wearing her original design skirt during what appears to be a low grade retaliation against her father (my brother) for whatever he was doing to provoke said retaliation.
I miss you Scootch! And your antics! Your written contracts and peace treaties! And I miss your patient, long suffering brother Bito too! You are a force with which to be reckoned!
 All my love,
your auntie Quellie