Sunday, March 25, 2012


The mountains have been calling our names. I thought wilderness would be part of our weekly rhythm but instead it's become part of everyday. Slate Canyon, the panoramic views of Bonneville Shoreline trail (does it count as wilderness?), and of course our beloved Rock Canyon.

 Back in town...

we went to the Islam exhibit (fantastic! Ezra loved it too! He kept gasping and saying "WOW!")

Ezra helped nina AND nona person an origami booth at International Night- have you seen nona knock out the flying cranes with functional flapping wings?! Speaking of flapping wings the rooster's wing flaps on Ezra's overalls. I've been waking up at five every morning to sew while Ezra has been sleeping until 9- that's FOUR hours of sewing nearly every day. I don't think knitting would have me waking up that early...

Here's a pic of Ezra and his beloved. We love you Rachel! And Ezra GLOWS in your presence. xo!
 stinging nettle coming up- can't wait for some nettle tea! we didn't have enough last year to dry any, maybe this year?

Bonus pic: GUESS WHO took this photo? I was so puzzled trying to remember WHY i would have a pic of a computer screen and then i noticed the delicious toes and Ezra's knit pantleg. He took a pic of one of his two favorite shows (Little Bear and this is a screenshot of The Wind in the Willows) HAHAHA. My dear Toad. 
