Saturday, December 01, 2012

Favorite Things

One of my favorite things about this past year was the excellent biodynamic gardening course i took locally (e-mail me for details if you want to get involved with biodynamic gardening!). Our garden grew itself this year- i cast a few seeds but mostly was about other business. Taking the aforementioned workshop taught me new skills and garden wisdoms to treasure up as i plan for next season-which will be the year of the garden- we have so many exciting plans to carry out as the garden matures and continues to unfold! 

Back to the task at hand...we made a biodynamic homeopathic remedy to boost the health of our garden. 

Here's Ezra mixing the preparation.
We applied the preparation with a cedar branch brush during the golden hour right after the garden had been watered. I live for stuff like this. 
We then went to a few other gardens in our neighborhood applying the preparation- with owners' permission of course. 
 Then we buried our loaded cow's horn we'll use for the next remedy. Here's the cows horn.
Recording this on my blog will help me remember where we buried the horn. One of the saddest things ( in a bummer kind of way) was my gardening journal is POOF gone! It had all of the diagrams of garden beds and varieties of plants and rotational crop notes and that book is missing in action. Many sighs and even tears later plus a vision of it composting somewhere made me realize i can let it go. Constantly referring to that book was a crutch. So, dear plants and soil start speaking to me directly so i can know how to tend y'all. love, your friend raquel

me and the lovely cows horn.
 Besos! and may sweet dreams of growing things bless us during these long cold and deeply restful nights.