Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Typiquel Day

One of our backyard prairie mushrooms for break-the-fast.
Tara and I went hiking 'round the waterfalls.We held each other back from going for a swim... it was really very very hard to not jump in.

Ran into the super great Denny Jenks of the Adonis Bronze foundry who was helping the scouts put in signs along the trail. Denny and I used to work together in my former life as a public arts director. We got home to find a naughty dog named Farmer trying to impress some strangers/visitors by playing keep-away with mouse poison. This is Tara picking up pieces of poison while Farmer was at the pet hospital where all the veterinarians know him well. Update: Farmer is still foaming grey at the mouth from the poison's antidote. He thinks it's cool. On the other hand, the intended recipient, our greenhouse resident mouse whom we named "Leprechaun", has never touched the poison. I psychically warned him not to because life would suck if he touched it but to please leave my pumpkin seeds alone. Well, Leprechaun has heeded the don't touch the poison warning but still ate every pumpkin seed I planted.

Typical. Typiquel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I love serendipity and small worlds.

Hi Tara!
(waves hello to Tara via your blog)

hugs from Portland,