Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Look Around

Ezra is insisting nona teaches him to knit. He brought his circular needles and crawled into her lap for a lesson.
Usually the moses basket just holds his quilts but he regularly empties it and gets inside.
He loves making cozy beds everywhere. We tell a story about how a boy named Ezra was at home wherever he lived and could make a cozy bed out of leaves in the forest, reeds by a pond, a cave in the mountain, or little forts throughout the cottage and all the land. 
Knitting this seed stitch sweater for Ollie and a gnome hat for Ezra. And reading Little Runner of the Longhouse.
Ezra was dubious about the hat at first until looking in the mirror. 
Then practiced putting it on by himself.
Then the gnome hat is in full use! on a walk with Uncle Stu.
The lovely Ardell, Maya, and Mario came to visit! Maya tried on the head dress I made for Ezra.
Maya lives in LA and says the treehouse is better than disneyland. =)
Thanksgiving lunch. I'm wearing my Native American beads to honor my Mapuche ancestors and blondie has Cherokee blood.
Ezra is alternately playing the guitar and chroma harp with a knitting needle. It sounded surprisingly melodic.

My gratitude list includes:
having my mother rattle off her extremely long gratitude list covering everything; starting with Ezra and the infinite atonement all the way to her mattress. She is one grateful person! And an excellent example to me!
Nina who tells me she loves us at least five times a day and who nurtures everyone and stands as witness that the universe is generous.
The way Poppy talks to Ezra in a special falsetto voice that none of the rest of us knew he had. =)
All of our ancestors, friends, family, and especially....

O'lover and Ezra. My boys.

Oh and whomever raked our leaves! Gee whiz what a nice surprise! Thank you!!!